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Esophagus is a food pipe connecting mouth,pharynx to stomach.
If persistent problem >2-3 weeks, please consult gastroenterologist or oncologist.
They require
Surgery has better quality of life than radiation and better chance of cure. If disease recur after radiation, salvage surgery is extremely difficult, hence fit patient surgery is always first choice. Radiation generally reserved for patient who are medically unfit for surgery.
Two types of surgery
Chemo/radiotherapy given prior to surgery in locally advanced tumors to downstage disease. It increases chances of total removal, and decreases recurrence chances.
VATS is Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery
In it, esophagus freed from surrounding from surrounding attachment and removing lymph nodes. Then patient is made supine, and laparoscopically stomach is mobilized removing local lymph nodes to make stomach tube. This stomach tube is pulled in neck and joined to upper esophagus part.
This is supramajor surgery. Because of advances in anaesthesia technique and VATS/laparoscopy made this much safer. Chances of death reduced dramatically with above. For fit patients, morbidity is minimal.
Most common complication is chest infection/pneumonitis, because of ventilator requirement. To prevent if chest physiotherapy in form of incentive spirometer exercises are started from beginning of treatment (right from starting neoadjuvant treatment).
Second important is nutritional build up. Neoadjuvant chemo/radiotherapy gives time for both chest optimization and nutritional build up. it is very important for success of surgery.
Complication with good surgery is minimal.
Known complications are chest infection, bleeding, anastomotic (intestinal joint) leak, stomach tube necrosis, voice change due to nerve handling, thoracic duct leak etc.
Main thing is decrease in stomach size, hence food capacity decreases. So these patients should take small but frequent feeds.
Other is removal of valve which one way passage from esophagus to stomach which prevent food regurge. Hence these patient should not sleep immediately after food and should always sleep slightly upright (use 2 pillows), this prevent vomiting.