022 2540 4455
96536 65448
It is butterfly shaped gland which lies in front of the neck. It produces thyroid hormones which play role in metabolic function of our body
Due to hormones imbalance the thyroid gland may increase in size and is termed as goitre
The enlargement of the gland can be part or complete increase in gland.
The confirmation of diagnosis of enlarged gland an be done by FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology) and ultrasound. It can be normal called as benign enlargement or malignant or cancerous enlargement. Depending on diagnosis, part of gland is removed as hemithyroidectomy or subtotal thyroidectomy. In suspicious cases of cancer as seen on FNAC plan to do frozen section is taken and confirmation of diagnosis is done when surgery is underway and when confirmed completion thyroidectomy is done with removal of adjacent lymph nodes