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It deals with disorders involving gastro-intestinal tract starting from Esophagus to Anorectum. In addition organs involved in production of digestive enzymes are also covered in gastroenterology. Diseases involving Gastrointestinal tract, Liver, Pancreas and Spleen are managed. Apart from CT scan and MRI, endoscopy remains main diagnostic tool to ascertain the diagnosis and wherever required to treat problems. Procedure that are done at Infinity Medisurge are

  • Gastroscopy to see upper gastrointestinal tract from oropharynx till second part of duodenum
  • Colonoscopy to see lower gastrointestinal tract from terminal ileum till rectum

Various therapies are possible in gastrointestinal tract.

  • Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography for diagnosis of pancreatic and biliary system pathology and wherever required put stent take biopsy and removal of biliary and pancreatic duct stones
  • Esophagus and rectal dilatation for strictures
  • Esophageal and colonic stents for inoperable strictures to maintain patency
  • Bands and variceal injections for variceal bleeding