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Implant Dentistry

Dental implants are one of the best predictable treatment for replacement of a missing teeth when compared to all the traditional methods such as crowns, bridges and removable dentures. Implants have a longer life as it gets totally integrated into the bone and become a part of the human body. It is said that implants have the highest success rate of about 95%.

A dental implant is a screw shaped post made up of titanium that substitutes the root of the missing tooth. Placement of implants are usually performed under dental anaesthesia , it is a minor and painless surgical procedure. Usually implant loading is done after a period of 3-5 months. Surgical placements of implants is based on the quality and quantity of your bone that we ascertain with the pre-operative CBCT scan. After a healing period of 3-5 months we place a crown on top of the implant by making a mould and custom processing the crown.

How IsIt Done?
Dental implants are made of pure titanium which when placed into the bone would totally integrate and become a part of human body over a period of time. After the healing period varying from 3-5 months, a crown on top of the implant is placed after which the implant supported crown becomes fully functional.

When Should We Choose Implants?
  • The treatment options for placing an implant varies according to the clinical situation of the patient
  • Replacing a single missing tooth- when one tooth is missing and to be replaced
  • Replacing multiple tooth- when more than one tooth is missing and to be replaced (Implant supported bridge)
  • Replacing all the teeth- when all the teeth is missing and to be replaced (Implant supported denture)

How To Looks After Your Implants?
There are two most common ways on how implants can fail. Poor oral hygiene and Chronic smoking habit. To a sustain a healthy life with implants, One must :

  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Avoid smoking